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Smarter Homes For Better Health

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Smart technology is well and truly past its infancy with more and more ‘smarts’ being developed as each year passes by. ‘Smart’ is no longer a buzzword as more of us adopt smart home technology to save on energy costs, water bills and to make our homes more secure.

Using our smart phones to control our air conditioning system, lighting, entertainment system and house alarm – it’s nothing new and most of us know how it works. What if we told you, smart homes are now smart enough to control more than just home appliances and security? Would that excite you? Well, iZone systems are now sophisticated enough to monitor the air we breathe, both inside and outside the home.

Our home air quality monitoring systems have sensors that keep an eye on humidity, CO2 and volatile organic compound levels present in the air. This is great for the home environment and an effective way to improve general health. Say no more to headaches, asthma, allergies, coughing and dry skin conditions.

With COVID-19 still running wild, it’s probably a good time to mention that bacteria, viruses, fungi and dust mites love humidity, so there’s no better time than now to prevent the spread of these nasty germs throughout your home.

iZone doesn’t just monitor the air we breathe, it can also control it. With its nifty iSave feature, the system will automatically respond to high humidity by turning on an outdoor compressor to reduce humidity and cool the home. As temperatures drop and humidity levels decrease, the air conditioning system reverts to outside air cooling. Currently this is activated via a third party interface like IFTTT, but development is underway to have this controlled via the iZone app in late 2021!

With an iZone system you’ll also be able to monitor gases emitted from household cleaning products. When the system flags unsafe levels, you can set a trigger for one of your smart appliances in your home to turn on, like an air purifier or fan to help improve the air quality. How cool is that?

For fitness enthusiasts out there, wouldn’t it be great if you could monitor the air quality index (AQI) in real-time on any given day? Well with iZone you now can! No more debating whether to exercise indoors or out, let our air quality monitoring system decide for you.

Homes aren’t just getting smarter, they’re getting healthier!

Discover more about iZone’s air quality monitoring system.

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Smart Home Market Insights The future of Australian homes is getting smarter and more efficient! Recent market analysis reveals exciting developments in home automation that

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