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Is Home Automation Really Worth It?

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We are living in a time when technology seems to be evolving on a daily basis. With so many new gadgets and new technologies popping up every other day, we thought we’d highlight some reasons why homeowners should consider a smart home.


Using a home automation controller gives homeowners the ability to check on dozens of things within their home. They can turn off lights even when they’re at work, or perhaps turn them on to make it look like somebody is home. They can use their mobile phone to check who’s at the front door or watch their kids in another room. When heading away for holidays, they can let a neighbour in to water plants or feed the pets, all whilst being away from home.

Money Saving

Approximately 26% of household energy costs can be attributed to air conditioning, so it only makes sense to invest in a smart air conditioning system for heating and cooling the home. A system such as iZone can control up to 14 different zones with exact temperatures meaning superb comfort all year round and reduced running costs. iZone’s clever sensing thermostat, power monitoring system and iSave feature make it one of the best energy-efficient solutions in the current market.


One of the best features of having home automation is of course the convenience. For example, automated garage door openers can let people in and they can keep others out just the same, all from the convenience of a mobile phone. Very handy for receiving parcels when no one is home.
Smart irrigation does away with having to water the garden manually. With iZone it’s easy to find the right balance. Homeowners can monitor water use, schedule watering times, water on command, and adjust their watering schedule based on the forecast. Not only are they keeping their plants alive, they’re also saving water and helping to keep their water bills down!

For many homeowners, the driving force behind creating a smart home is the potential to save energy and money, but with so many new smart home products and features entering the market, it’s hard to put a limit on the benefits it will bestow to the generations to come.

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