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Solar Battery v Power Monitoring

iZone Solar Power

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By Melissa Clarke | 15 September 2020


We all want a quick return on investment. So what if you could have a smart home that monitors your house, allowing you to use maximum solar power monitoring during the middle of the day, and therefore only sending what’s remaining across to the grid during peak? With an iZone Smart Home you can, and the pay-back is short-term, compared to that of a solar battery system.

Recent analysis has found that it will take 20 years for a homeowner using a solar powerwall system to recoup the purchase cost under the recent new solar pricing scheme.

The Distributed Energy Buyback Scheme will pay homeowners more for selling solar power during peak demand times between 3pm and 9pm, while payments during other parts of the day have been cut.  The move is designed to reduce pressure on the grid during the day, when voltages rise because rooftop solar is producing so much energy.

With iZone Smart Monitoring you can see how much power your appliances are using, then minimise your energy bill by scheduling your appliances to exploit off-peak tariffs, and reduce your energy costs by making the most of your excess daytime solar power.

  • Monitor your air-conditioning, washers, dryers, pool pumps, everything.
  • Spread and optimise your energy load throughout the day to minimise costs.
  • Pre-heat or cool your home with excess solar power, using iZone’s power diversion feature.
  • Do your bit to avoid blackouts by remotely reducing your power consumption at peak times.

Complimented with the iZone Smart Plugs, you can turn regular everyday appliances into smart appliances. Simply plug a device into a smart plug and you can control them with your iZone controller or smart device. Switch them on and off manually or create a set-and-forget schedule, anytime, anywhere.

Already have LED lights, connect the iZone Dimmer module and take control of your not-so-smart LED lights or use the iZone Relay module to control fans, pumps or electric heaters reducing your power usage during peak times.

With iZone, we have multiple smart energy management solutions to help your home work smarter, all while helping you save money.

To find out how we can help you take the next step towards owning a smarter home visit our website today at izone.com.au or email is at sales@izone.com.au.

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