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iPure Air Conditioner Filters


iPure Air Conditioner Filters

iZone utilises high-quality air conditioner filters that capture the smaller allergy-causing particles that may be harmful to your health.

iPure, iZone’s highest quality natural air filter captures:

  • house dust
  • mould
  • pet dander
  • virus carriers
  • pollen

Having iZone’s filters in place can help reduce symptoms and make breathing easier. iZone chooses only the best, Flanders Merv-8 filter media, which has the highest ducts holding capacity and lowest pressure drop of any media in its class.


Installation Considerations

VP-MERV 8 Pleated filters are suitable as primary filters and can be installed in PF-1 Frames, K-Trac Framing Modules, Surepleat Side Access Housings and similar existing hardware. They may be used as prefilters for Precision Pak, Super-Flow® V, PrecisionCell and Rigid-Air filters in these frame systems and in Sureseal Side Access Housings.

Physical Data
Media: 100% Non-woven synthetic media

manufactured from recyclable materialMedia Support: Diamond-shaped expanded metalPleat Design: V-Pleat
Frame: Unbleached, natural Kraft-board

Guide Specifications

  1. 1.0  General 3.0
  2. 1.1  Medium efficiency filters shall be MERV 8 Pleat extended 3.1


Media area must equal or exceed that of the specified filter.

surface pleated filters manufactured by Flanders.

1.2 Filter sizes and capacities shall be as scheduled on the drawings.

3.2 The manufacturer shall guarantee performance as stated in the literature within tolerances as outlined in Section 7 of ARI Standard 850.

  1. 2.0  Construction 3.3
  2. 2.1  Filters shall be constructed of reinforced, non-woven synthetic 4.0

The filter shall be MERV 8 by ASHRAE Standard 52.2-2007.


media made from recyclable plastic. Media shall be laminated to an expanded metal grid on the air leaving side and formed into V-configuration pleats.

2.2 Frame shall be recyclable, unbleached natural Kraft-board with diagonal and horizontal support members on the upstream and downstream sides, and shall have interlocking corner tabs.

4.1 Manufacturer shall issue a standard certificate of compliance certifying that the filter meets the materials, components, performance and construction characteristics stated herein.


iZone Smart Home Solutions


Warranty Policy
Warranty Registration Form