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6 Awesome Ways an Automated Home Can Improve Your Life

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The IoT or Internet of Things has many people excited. This is due to the fact that WiFi home automation can make our lives easier, healthier, safer and just plain better. Let’s look at six of the most impressive and awesome ways that home automation improves our lives:

1. It usually uses a home automation app and that means that you can access most of the technologies inside of your smart home from anywhere. Imagine what that could mean. You can turn off lights you may have left on from anywhere, open and close the garage door, adjust the temperatures, and even turn on appliances. That is a huge stress reducer for almost anyone!

2. It lets you cut operating costs with options like connected home lighting. Lighting can consume around 30% of any home’s energy supplies, but with connected home lighting and WiFi home automation, that cost can be slashed. Smart lights can be cued to turn on and off on a set routine and even feature sensors that learn your patterns, enabling the least amount of energy used to provide essential lighting.

3. It cuts energy use. A home automation app is good for many things, and so is connected home lighting, but a WiFi home automation system can also be used to handle any home’s biggest energy consumer – heating and cooling. You can use it to automatically adjust temperatures up or down and in almost any area of the home. Turn off the AC and reactivate it only when you are headed home.

4. It ensures security. A home automation app can be connected to the garage door. As this is one of the most common entries through which house breaking crimes are facilitated, it is wonderful that you can use your phone to secure your home!

5. You can cut back on water consumption. Some WiFi home automation options include things like automated irrigation – this controls the time and amount of water used in your landscaping. Use of IFTTT such as iZone’s irrigation systems can help in that regard. For example, if it rains on a watering day your system will not run and it will delay it to your next scheduled watering day to save you money. Not only is that a greener way of life but it also promotes healthier gardens.

6. You don’t even have to invest. Though you can use connected home lighting and other connected systems, a home automation app can also be paired to smart switches and plugs. That means you can control “dumb” devices via the app if they are plugged into the outlets that speak to the WiFi system.

Are you ready to experience an automated home? It is the way of the future and sure to improve your life.

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